Worth1000 September 2010 30 Day Challenge

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 3

“This life's dim windows of the soul
Distorts the heavens from pole to pole
And leads you to believe a lie
 When you see with, not through, the eye.”
                             William Blake

 “Don't call the world dirty because you forgot to clean your glasses”      Aaron Hill 

One in the hand is worth two in the bush...
or, I've got to hand it to you...
Alternate day 3 image...


  1. This is so awesome! The reflections and the use of the shiny surface to create a textured background through reflections is very clever and effective. The placement of the eyeballs in the glasses is lovely too. Nice work.

  2. Terrific! I love how the left lens is light, almost surreal. The reflected pattern of the background works very well compositionally, but, try as hard as I can...and I'm really trying...I just can't stop thinking of...the...blinds...leading...the blind.

  3. What a wonderful surface you used here, for not only the reflection of the glasses, and the eyes, but the blinds as well. Very inovative.

  4. ha ha! Your pictures continue to delight and slightly disgust me. Nice!

  5. You are just cracking me up, I love your sense of humor in these amazing photos. I look forward each day to see what you come up with next!
    Great job.

  6. Both of these are lovely shots. Not sure which I like best - the glasses one I think. Pure genius!

  7. Kuddo's for you to create something new and amazing everyday with your set of eyes. Especially these two.

  8. I love how the photos tie in so well with the comments (or in this case, quotes). I like the one behind the glasses best I think - it looks so natural, but at the same time, very out of place! Love it!
