Worth1000 September 2010 30 Day Challenge

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 2

I've been asking people to let me take a picture of them and all I get is an icy stare...


  Day 2 alternate with black BG and using blue gel over fill flash. 


  1. Icy stare, or "eyes-y" stare? (groan)

    Another interesting shot. You keep this up, Rick, and you will have a very interesting body of work at the end of the month! Great imagination.

  2. Oh, creepy but very effective and the composition & colours are so "cool".

  3. wow! I can see these eyes being a little worse for wear towards the end of the month :D

  4. I don't know where you got these eyes, but they sure do make for interesting photos. There is something about how it's so familiar (as we all have them) yet placed in such unfamiliar places really makes us take a better look. I also like how the swirl in the ice really creates a golden mean and how you composed it to take advantage of that fact. Awesome stuff - love the tag line too :-)

  5. Icy stare. That is great! I can see you are going to have fun with this project. I can't wait to see whats next.

  6. This creeps me out... I LOVE IT!!!!
    Great job

  7. Oh, that's so funny! A great composition and excellent concept. Your wit is really amusing me. If you are intending to illustrate Eyesy puns all month, this is going to be a crackup and I am soooo looking forward to seeing how you go with that.
    Of course, if the first two are just happy coincidence, then I still look forward to your pictures. ;-)

  8. Somehow that eye just looks like it is the center of something much bigger....ohhhhhh, wonder what it might be?

  9. Does the eye go to a party and get bloodshot? This is an impressive photo.

  10. Nice composition and idea to put the eye in ice. Icy stare ...LOL


  11. Oooh, I never saw the alternative last time I was here. I do like that and how the blue ice matches the blue in the eye.

  12. I think I like the blue one best, but they both are super cool! (haha)
