Worth1000 September 2010 30 Day Challenge

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 5

The eye is the jewel of the body. 
   Henry David Thoreau



  1. Oh, great idea to copy and flip for perfect symmetry. Love this series with the eyes. Your creativity is wonderful.

  2. WOW! Amazing! I love it. After this month is over you will have to fill me in on how ou made some of these shots...

  3. The mirror image is terrific (except for the highlight, which I'm guessing you threw in break the effect)! I like how the dark line between the eyes almost looks like the bridge of a pair of glasses. The iris and pupil are so clear and make the stare so intense. As usual, well done, and it leaves me waiting to see the next day's photo!

  4. Darned if the eyes don't look a bit pigeon toed today. Obviously illusion, cuz the eyes are perfect.

  5. There's something (probably the way the circles round the eyes recede upwards and outwards) that makes them look a bit inward-squinting. Very funny and a great idea to make them exact mirrors of each other. Another great shot.

  6. I thought there was a reflection at first but that can't be right because of the white glint.

  7. The quotes are very interesting as well. Do you know them all by heart or do you search for something suitable.

  8. Very nice, I like the colours.
